Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Orleans Part 3

This is the second part of my visit to the New Orleans Zoo.  As mentioned before, I learned it takes a lot of patience to shoot wildlife.


He's hard to see but there is a raccoon on top of this rusted out car.

This Black Bear was having a great time in the water.


Spider Monkeys

New Orleans Part 2

This post consist of part one of photos from the New Orleans Zoo.

The Zoo is really nice plus there is an Aquarium there as well.

Just inside the entrance of the Zoo is this line of Palm Trees


I learned you have to have a lot of patience when taking photos of animals, This big guy finally turned around to allow me get take his portrait.

He also really knows how to relax but then again what else is he going to do.

This one reminded me of a drunk wino lending against a building.

Baby Orangutan

It took awhile but this adult Orangutan finally gave a little show.

Seems to be a traffic jam on the log.

New Orleans Part 1

A couple of weeks ago myself and several other photographers made a trip to New Orleans to do some shooting.  We originally were going to the old abandoned Six Flags, but had to abandon those plans.  The next stop was the Audubon Park and Zoo.
It was a hot, miserable day but we had fun nonetheless and it was a productive day.  These are a few of the shots I got in the park.  I will do pat 2 & 3 after this which will consist primarily of the zoo.
Be sure to leave a comment and enjoy!

The Green Line Streetcar in the Garden District

The mighty Oaks with the Signature Spanish Moss

This gentleman was practicing his saxophone skills

Around the fountain

Sunday, July 22, 2012

GM&O Building and AfricaTown Cemetery

The GM&O building, which stands for Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad, was the train station in downtown Mobile for many years.  It is now an office complex, as well as, a transportation hub for the City Metro Transit System or as it is called the WAVE.  There are still tracks behind the building but they no longer serve the building.  These were taken on July 1.

The same day We went over to the AfricaTown Cemetery, which is the site of one of the oldest Slave Settlements and Cemeteries in the country.

The back of the GM&O with the RSA Tower in the background.

This is one of the decorative entry doors on the side of the building.

Side view

Front view

This old abandoned building sits next door to the GM&O.  It has the name "Southern" over the front entrance.

Front corridor.

A view of the RSA Tower from the front corridor.

An old train car in the rail yard.

Two of the military graves in the Africa Town Cemetery. One is from WWI and the other WWII.

D.I.P and Dog River

On the following weekend we ventured down on Dauphin Island Parkway at a park and the Dog River Bridge.  Even caught a few shots of some birds while at the river and Mobile Bay.

Swing set and Rec Building.  This building is from when Brookley Field was an Air Force Base, which was closed in the sixties.

A swing looking toward Brookley Field future home of the Airbus Aircraft Assemble Plant.

BBQ Grate, had an interesting look to it.

Mushroom and Flower

While walking around I spotted this hat hanging on a fence gate.  looked like it had been there quite some time which is surprising.

A Crane looking out at Mobile Bay.

Brown Pelicans flying over head.

Old tree stump in the wetlands.

Under the Dog River Bridge.