Sunday, July 22, 2012

D.I.P and Dog River

On the following weekend we ventured down on Dauphin Island Parkway at a park and the Dog River Bridge.  Even caught a few shots of some birds while at the river and Mobile Bay.

Swing set and Rec Building.  This building is from when Brookley Field was an Air Force Base, which was closed in the sixties.

A swing looking toward Brookley Field future home of the Airbus Aircraft Assemble Plant.

BBQ Grate, had an interesting look to it.

Mushroom and Flower

While walking around I spotted this hat hanging on a fence gate.  looked like it had been there quite some time which is surprising.

A Crane looking out at Mobile Bay.

Brown Pelicans flying over head.

Old tree stump in the wetlands.

Under the Dog River Bridge.

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