Sunday, May 13, 2012

More Than Just Fire - Part 2

In continuing the theme of shooting more than just fire pictures I'm posting some I've taken around downtown primarily.

I saw this church through what used to be a self pay parking lot, the sign was missing but the frame was still hanging on the post.  I took the shoot as if looking through a frame of the church steeple.  I then covered it to B&W, leaving the color intact through the frame.

This is looking at the car door of a car the Training Academy has burned several times teaching recruits about combating car fires.  I was attracted to the patterns of the rust spots on the door.

This is a large rusty chain attached to a huge concrete block on the prop field of the Training Academy.  I'm not positive what its original use was but I think it has some sort of marine application.

This was taken on the side of Three George's Candy Shop in downtown Mobile.  The color of the wall along with the street lamp and star is what caught my attention.

This is a view of the RSA tower looking east past Spot of Tea on Dauphin Street in downtown Mobile.  I think the RSA Tower is a very popular structure to photograph here in Mobile.  It is the tallest structure in the State of Alabama.  I know I've taken my fair share of photos of it.

I was walking into a restaurant on Conti Street one day to have lunch when I noticed this doorway across the street on the opposite corner, I walked back to my car and grabbed my camera and starting taking shots of it.  To me it had a unique look to it.  If you look closely you may see the heart on it.  I like doorways and will probably be taking more photos of them in the future.

In a previous post I submitted photos of the USS Alabama Battleship Park.  One of the other things abut the park is the rose gardens on the grounds of the park.  There are several different colors, red, purple, orange, pink etc.  These are a couple I took photos of while there.

These are of the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception located in downtown Mobile.  It's a beautiful church and another one of those structures that photographers like to shoot.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


A while back LifeFlight landed at our Training Academy for the recruits to look over and learn procedures when on an emergency scene.  I took the opportunity to take a few photos of the aircraft.  It was a loaner because the primary bird was down for maintenance but my camera didn't mind one bit.


One of my favorite places to take pictures is the local cemeteries.  My office just happens to be located in the middle of some of them.  I'm near Magnolia Cemetery, as well as, the Jewish Cemetery and the National Cemetery.  It's a photography rich environment!  I shot these in color but later converted most of them into B&W...for my own personal preference I think they look better in B&W.  Here are a few from Magnolia I've selected from the hundreds I've taken:

I call this one the Sad Angel

From Up High

The Twins

For Baby

Broken Wing

One of the many iron fences around some graves

This was on a door to a crypt

More Than Just Fire

As the title implies, I do take pictures of more than just fire or wreck scenes, although that is what the majority of my photos entail.  After all that's how I came up with the name Firetographer.  

With That said I took a recent trip to the USS Alabama Battleship Park and took some photos of the Alabama and the over items on display at the park and here are some examples.

This is a photo of the massive engines on the B-52 that is on display at the park.

This is one of the statue of the Vietnam Vet standing at the memorial, which looks like a replica of the wall in Washington D.C.

A different view.

Some of the many track wheeled vehicles on display.

These are just a few I took that day, I'm sure I'll be going back again at some point...there are plenty of photo opportunities at the park.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tripods and Heads

One of the hardest things I've had to do in photography is pick and decide on tripod and head for the tripod.  I've done a lot of research, talking to fellow photographers and read reviews on all brands and models to try and make a decision on which one is the best for what I need.
I believe in getting what I nee for now and the future instead of wasting a lot of money on something I'm going to have to replace in a few years.  For anyone who has gone through this you will also know that tripods are not cheap!
I finally decided on and purchased a Vanguard Alta Pro 263AT tripod and a Vanguard SBH-300 Ball Head.  The price was reasonalble and it will do what I want it to do.  The ball head was maybe a little over kill for me but I won't have to worry about weight anytime soon.
Take the time to do lots of research before you make a purchase this important and just because something is less expensive doesn't always been it less than adequate.
Here's a link to their web site  Vanguard World