Saturday, May 12, 2012

More Than Just Fire

As the title implies, I do take pictures of more than just fire or wreck scenes, although that is what the majority of my photos entail.  After all that's how I came up with the name Firetographer.  

With That said I took a recent trip to the USS Alabama Battleship Park and took some photos of the Alabama and the over items on display at the park and here are some examples.

This is a photo of the massive engines on the B-52 that is on display at the park.

This is one of the statue of the Vietnam Vet standing at the memorial, which looks like a replica of the wall in Washington D.C.

A different view.

Some of the many track wheeled vehicles on display.

These are just a few I took that day, I'm sure I'll be going back again at some point...there are plenty of photo opportunities at the park.

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